A Unique Approach


A national infrastructure renewal, one that delivers the highest of public benefit, can be achieved in the near-term: 

Greater public benefit
Our competitive solicitation process unlocks the true value of public assets

Greater public protections
Our contract award process transfers significantly more performance on the developer earlier in the development process

Greater supply of public projects
Our project feasibility pairs public assets with the investment criteria of infrastructure funds. This allows for a portfolio of projects to be awarded and funded simultaneously

Greater certainty to the contract award process is achieved through an evolution of the typical P3 structure of agreements. The same participants are involved however each is leveraged to provide a more aggressive contribution via this less bureaucratic bid process.


Private Sector is no longer reduced to the role of a generic commodity; the overly prescriptive public bid process is abandoned. Public Asset Strategies avoids this conformity driven process that constricts private sector expertise. The Developer and the Funding source are allowed to scope project outcomes.

S.P.E. (special purpose entity) is no longer relegated to merely an accounting and compliance entity. Public Asset Strategies positions the S.P.E. to have an active role in the assemblage of assets. This maximizes distributions for the public benefit.

Public Sector is no longer a redundant project manager. Public Asset Strategies scales the public participation to integrate the delivery of societal goals to be funded from project revenue. Freedom from appropriations is the primary benefit of maximizing the value of these public assets.  


Purposeful integration of public assets and complimentary public projects unlocks value

Single solicitation with multiple development agreements locks in the criteria for investment funds

Increase Revenue Vs. Increase Public Debt


Years Vs. Decades


Additional Problems Resolved

The Procurement Tax: Multiple solicitations, spanning years of chronic design and assessment provide no added benefit to public value or governmental protections. This disconnect from market activities is the single greatest burden on project budgets.
Resolution: Public Asset Strategies' single-solicitation contract award completely avoids the "procurement tax".

The Do Nothing Option: The procurement tax leads to the "do nothing" option. Elongated procurement cycles typical of the public works process derail pathways for authorization. The result is a continual consultation and pondering of alternatives in which no decisions to authorize a project are made.
Resolution: Public Asset Strategies avoids redundant analysis and consolidates years long multiple solicitations into a single process. This expedited track provides certainty to both public as well as private sector stakeholders.

The Indecisiveness of Working in Silos: The public works process develops projects with limited consideration for the true market value of public assets. This "silo" culture is a legacy process that fails to consider the synergies achieved with a more comprehensive assemblage of those public assets.
Resolution: Public Asset Strategies unlocks the value of under-utilized, fallowed public assets in order to produce real revenues. Higher yield projects that attract and motivate private investment are the result.